Cats shed every day, some breeds more than others.
Finding hair around the house or all over your clothes regularly is therefore nothing to be worried about.
There is no way of stopping the natural shedding process, and you wouldn’t want to. This is how cats get rid of any dead, unnecessary hair.
If you are noticing larger clumps of fur though or their coat is beginning to look a little thinner, this could be a sign of excessive shedding. And that is not normal.
One of the factors often associated with a shedding cat, and the amount they are shedding, is diet.
Feeding your feline low-quality foods will not provide them with all the nutrients they need for fit, strong bodies or shiny, healthy coats.
Improving their diet can actually go a long way to reducing the amount of hair they’re shedding, too; not to mention the amount of time you’re sweeping up after them.